Sunny Side Up is available as an archived show for two weeks from the original broadcast date. Click on the button below to listen to the latest archived shows.
Casey Thornton
Join DJ Casey Thornton for his version of KHEN’s morning show. Get ready for some fantastic music from the 50s and 60s to start your day right.
Casey is a Colorado native from Littleton and a graduate of Columbine High School. He is a lover of all things musical and listens to stations from all over the country. Casey always dreamed of being on the radio and a chance encounter found him seeking out KHEN. He met Duckie Doug and started on his journey lending a hand and now finally taking to the air on Tuesday’s with the “Sunny Side Up” show. Casey credits his mother for his early childhood love of music, Bebop, and Oldies. Salida is now Casey’s home and he loves this small town and community.
Tuesdays 8-10 am, Wednesdays 8-9am