School Zone is available as an archived show for two weeks from the original broadcast date. Click on the button below to listen to the latest archived shows.

School Zone

Lisa Ledwith
Thursdays 3-5 PM

An ongoing segment highlighting the staff, students and accomplishments of all our local schools. 

Crest students talk reverse trick-or-treat and teachers Bahn and O'Brien discuss author visits.
October 3rd, 2024
Pt. 1-April Holdinghaus from AVAD/Pt 2-Tenderfoot Times students discussing the SHS student paper
September 26th, 2024
Instructor Jill Carstens and her high school students are "Writing to Save the World" - 9/19/24
Fred Maxwell and Amy Stanley from CMC talking about new offerings - 8/22/24
Lisa welcomes Taf McMurray and Steph Glaser from CMC to talk about their programs - 8/15/24
Members of the Salida H.S. Bicycle Racing team join Lisa in the Coop - 4/25/24
Keri Vignale, Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator from CMC, joins Lisa with program student 04/18/24
Marco Hahn, Athletic Director for Salida Public Schools, joins Lisa 4/04/2024
Jack Landry and P.T. Woods join Lisa to talk about Jack's internship with Chaffee County 3/14/24
SMS 8th graders talk about service learning projects with teachers Alice Guin & Brady Hines 2/29/24
Horizons Exploratory Academy student Anthony Schedagg discusses his internship with CMC - 2/22/24
Part Two - Emily Lamont of Horizons Exploratory Academy showcases podcasts created by her students
Part One - Emily Lamont of Horizons Exploratory Academy showcases podcasts created by her students
Deb Basse with Elevating Readers Together joins Lisa Ledwith - 2/8/24
Longfellow Parents Assoc. member Kelly Monahon joins Lisa to talk about the Parent Prom 2/02/24
Tessie Joe Ortega & Audrey Gamache with the SWAP Program (School to Work Alliance Program) 1/25/24
Fred Maxwell : Instructional Coordinator at Colorado Mtn College 1/18/24
Rob Simpson : Associate Dean at Colorado Mtn College - December 12/08/23